
Victoria’s research is broadly concerned with health, persuasion, social cognition, and stigma reduction. Her research asks and answers: “how can we create health messages that persuade people to enact healthy behaviors but do not stigmatize them for not doing so?” To answer this broad question, she studies (1) the effects of stigmatizing messages on people’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors related to varied topics including opioids and Autism Spectrum Disorders; (2) what strategies are most effective at changing people’s beliefs—including perceptions of risk and stigma—attitudes, and behaviors; and finally (3) how people in stigmatized communities are affected by public health messages, particularly among issues where health disparities are evident (e.g., COVID-19). Across each of these three areas, Victoria primarily uses survey and experimental methods and frequently collaborates with qualitative researchers in recognizing the critical role of qualitative methods in answering these research questions.

In all, Victoria aims to conduct research that provides both theoretical clarity and recommendations for educators and practitioners that can improve health outcomes.

Theoretical perspectives explored in Victoria’s research include:

  • Stigma communication, including public and self-stigma

  • The role of affect in persuasion

  • Risk communication

  • Narratives and persuasion

Victoria also explores a variety of topics in her research, including:

  • Opioid Use Disorders

  • Physical Health and Wellness

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Sexual Health and HPV

  • E-cigarettes

  • Stigma toward LGBTQ+ Individuals

Recent Lead & Coauthored Publications:

(2025). Building trust and inclusivity: Navigating layered stigma and risk communication for LGBTQ+ individuals during COVID-19 outbreaks. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management

(2024) An almost empty scoping review: State of the research on tobacco prevention and cessation messaging strategies for Black and/or Latine LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. Health Communication

(2024) Urgent communication during public health crises: Reaching linguistically diverse audiences. In The Handbook of Language in Public Health and Healthcare

(2023) Advocacy and action: Persuasive strategies for digital activism and influence. In Strategic Social Media as Activism: Repression, Resistance, Rebellion, Reform.

(2022) Using communication science to accelerate adult and childhood vaccination. Metode Science Studies Journal.

(2022) The Instagram Activism Slideshow—Translating argumentation and communication skills to social media practice. Communication Teacher.

(2022) Is my story better than his story? Understanding the effects and mechanisms of narrative point of view in the opioid context. Health Communication.

(2021) The influence of stigmatizing messages on danger appraisal: Examining the model of stigma communication for opioid-related stigma, policy support, and related outcomes. Health Communication.

You can learn more about Victoria’s research by reviewing her CV.

In this video, Victoria presents her dissertation research in 3 minutes as part of the University of Maryland’s 2022 3-Minute Thesis Competition. Victoria won the 2022 competition at UMD.